Taking Radical Responsibility In Your Business

Every entrepreneur faces stagnation at some point.

They watch their peers and competitors soaring in their own businesses and can’t figure out why they are the ones stuck.

A recent breakthrough with a client made me realise that this stagnation can come at any stage for a business owner - whether you’re just starting out or have several years under your belt.

You know that you want to change things and reach new heights, yet you find yourself ducking all new experiences.

You sign up for courses and decide on new habits you want to master, but then you don’t show up for the classes and you forget to practice the habits after a while.

“Why can’t I finish this?” you ask yourself. Because you know that it would help your business, help your life, but an invisible hand seems to stop you.

After witnessing how my client solidified her desire to finally make changes and then acted upon it, I examined my own life.

And I found an area where I have fallen...

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Making Time Management Work For You With Sade Jones


Do you ever look at the mountain of tasks piling up and feel like you’ll never catch up?

“I’m terrible with time!” This is something many entrepreneurs tell themselves while juggling work, life, and a brand new business they’re trying hard to grow.

When we have poor time management - the busier we get, the more we hope to accomplish yet the more chaotic our life.

Sound familiar?

This is why I invited Sade Jones to come and talk to us on The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast.

Sade is a time management coach, and in her extensive experience working with ambitious clients building their dream businesses, she has found that we always have time to do the work that really needs to get done.  

After holding a brilliant masterclass for The Collective, Sade joined me on the podcast to talk about:

- how she had to work on her vulnerability to learn how to share on social media

- why poor time management results in exhaustion and emotional turmoil

- how...

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