My Story With Autism

My life has never quite been the same since autism entered our reality.

It plunged our family into deep grief, massive confusion and fear about the future - that was almost two years ago now and this steep learning curve has taught us so much.

There've been days when I’ve questioned if running a rapidly growing business is the right thing to do (the mum guilt has been intense).

There's also been days that I'm not sure I would have gotten through if it wasn’t for having my business - the one thing that fulfils my purpose and gives me something that is just mine.

In this week's Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast episode I share my story of our Sohl and the reality of caring for a child with autism whilst being a fiercely ambitious entrepreneur. I reveal:

  • When you’ve met someone with autism, you’ve met someone with autism and how assumptions and projections of what autism ‘looks like’ can be very harmful


  • What happened to our Sohl at 18 months...
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