My Story With Autism

My life has never quite been the same since autism entered our reality.

It plunged our family into deep grief, massive confusion and fear about the future - that was almost two years ago now and this steep learning curve has taught us so much.

There've been days when I’ve questioned if running a rapidly growing business is the right thing to do (the mum guilt has been intense).

There's also been days that I'm not sure I would have gotten through if it wasn’t for having my business - the one thing that fulfils my purpose and gives me something that is just mine.

In this week's Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast episode I share my story of our Sohl and the reality of caring for a child with autism whilst being a fiercely ambitious entrepreneur. I reveal:

  • When you’ve met someone with autism, you’ve met someone with autism and how assumptions and projections of what autism ‘looks like’ can be very harmful


  • What happened to our Sohl at 18 months that eventually led to a very early diagnosis


  • How this story has reinforced my business ‘why’ and how I stay connected to that on even on the bad days


  • The single most important thing to never let enter your mind when supporting a child with autism and running a business


  • How to build a flexible business that supports your child's varying needs (and ever changing schedule)


  • How my business has become a spiritual practice and why this has enabled me to show up more powerfully for Sohl and meet his needs more intuitively 


  • Plus, some really practical tips for making the most of the limited time you may have to work on your business.


This episode isn’t only for those who are finding it hard to juggle growing a business with caring for someone with autism and other additional needs - this episode is also for those who want to genuinely contribute to making the world a safer and more inclusive space for all - where difference is celebrated and ignorance is no longer an excuse.

Tune in here.





9 Success Secrets For Mums In Business -

My 6 Pivotal Lessons Of 2020 -


Say hi to Kirsty Kianifard on social:





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