The REAL Reason Your Clients Canā€™t Afford to Work With You

When a client hesitates to invest in your programme or service even though it’s exactly what they’re searching for, you may start to second guess your offer. 

Is the price really too high? Maybe your package doesn’t offer as much value as you thought it did?

Stop right there. 

That’s not the way to think about this objection!

I decided to price the membership of The Collective modestly because I wanted to offer a low cost-high value space for entrepreneurs to grow their business and support each other’s business journey.

So, when I first opened the doors, I expected no objections on the price because I had fought to keep it affordable. 

And yet, that’s exactly what I faced. Clients coming to me with concerns about investing in their own business growth because the price of a few cups of coffee seemed too high.

Every business owner faces this hurdle. 

It’s important to remember that this is not a reflection of the value...

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