How Much Free Content is Too Much?

The idea of creating free content to establish yourself as an authority in your field and get found by potential clients, is nothing new.

But when you’re spending hours each week, pushing out value through your blog, podcast or social media, an anxious question might pop up in your mind.

How do you know when you’re giving away too much for free?

At what point have you created so much free content that you end up making your paid services redundant?

In today’s episode of The Wellness Entrepreneur Podcast, I will explain why this is the wrong question to ask. 

When you’re creating value for free, you’re speaking to everyone. When you’re working with a paying client, you are speaking to their very specific pain points.

This is the reason I strongly believe that you never have to fear free content. When you’re showing up consistently, at your own pace, on a platform of your choice, it helps build relationships and creates a brand your...

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