Book A Call With Kirsty

Ready To Elevate Your Wellness Business And Leave A Lasting Legacy?


"I smashed all the goals we set within 3 months, including selling out my private coaching spots in LESS THAN A WEEK!"

Rebecca Beazley

>> Do you want to wake up every morning knowing your work is impacting thousands, changing lives and providing you with an abundant income?

>> Do you feel a deep inner knowing that you are ready to play a bigger game in your business but feel unsure about the next steps to take to help you get there?

>> Do you excel in your space, delivering top-notch services, but find yourself missing the strategic know-how and experience of those who have successfully navigated this path before you?



 and you are exactly where you are meant to be.

So I'll spare you the eye-rolling sales pitch - that's not why you are here.

If you're reading this then you already know the importance of investing in yourself and the future of your business -  no point beating about the bush and trying to convince you of something you likely teach your clients on a daily basis. 

Plus, you've likely heard that studies show that business owners that invest in support…


So, even though the reasons to pursue your dream of creating a purpose-driven and profitable wellness business are obvious, the path to doing it successfully can be anything but.

And here’s why…

Here Are Four Reasons Most Wellness Businesses Struggle (And How To Guarantee Yours Won't):


Time Spent On Unprofitable Tasks

(or worse, time spent on what everyone else seems to be doing)

Building a profitable wellness biz isn't particularly hard or complicated but there are so many moving pieces and potential stumbling blocks along the way.

What social media platform to master, how to get in front of your dream boat clients and how to position and price your knock out service.

These are just some of the questions you will have to navigate along the way. Most wellness entrepreneurs spend their time throwing everything against the wall and hoping that eventually, one day, something will stick.

Thing is, you can't approach building a profitable wellness business as just another plate spinning exercise. It's an immensely strategic and valuable project that when done right can earn you consistent revenue over the course of its lifetime.

Time to respect it for what it is - a LIFE-CHANGING OPPORTUNITY - and approach it accordingly.


Unscalable Business Model

(or worse, no chosen business model at all)

Scaling a wellness business, increasing profits and maximising impact isn't all that hard but getting the business model wrong from the outset can cause so many future failure points. 

Committing to bookings that end up draining your energy and starving your profits, having no time to work on the growth of your business and getting stuck for years in low-priced offers that your clients have come to expect.

These are just some of the ways an unscalable business model can leave you feeling like a slave to your business. Most wellness entrepreneurs convince themselves that if they just work harder, then eventually the tables will turn

Thing is, a profitable wellness business isn't about working harder, it's about working smarter. Leveraging your time so that your greatest business asset (you) can serve more, whilst doing less, is the key to the sustainability of your business and the fulfilment of your life.

Time to decide to get back in the drivers seat and choose a business model that supports your desired lifestyle.


Attracting Wrong Clients

(or worse, not knowing who you are trying to attract all together)

Attracting dreamboat clients isn't difficult but for many wellness business owners client attraction is the most elusive and infuriating part of building a successful business.

Figuring out who your dreamboats are, where to find them and how to speak their language so you call them in with ease and grace is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mastering client attraction.

Most wellness business owners end up convincing themselves that the problem is them rather than their strategy and go on to create excuses as to why they were never destined to succeed.

Truth is, it's impossible to build a profitable and sustainable wellness business without clients. Client attraction is extremely strategic and when mastered can lead to a consistent flow of dreamboat clients ready and excited to pay you for your work.

Time to change the story around client attraction and approach it armed with all the tools necessary to succeed.


Undervaluing Services Or Offers

(or worse, believing you don't get to choose the value of your work)

Being paid well for your offers and services isn't rocket science but the mindset blocks that prevent you from owning your worth keep you playing small.

Obsessing over what others will think of your growth, convincing yourself no-one will pay your new, higher prices and wanting to hide under a rock rather than say that figure out loud.

These are just a fraction of the limiting beliefs you need to overcome. Most wellness entrepreneurs never will because they believe these narratives are truth rather than stories that need upgrading.

Truth is, without the willingness to overcome these limiting beliefs, the profitability and impact of your business will eventually decrease (or stop all together).

Conquering these beliefs and replacing them with infinite possibilities is an intense but wildly rewarding process that unlocks your ability to embark on a trajectory of continued growth.

Time to tackle these limiting mindsets head on and refuse to allow them to stifle the work you have to share with the world.




I've taken everything I've learned from building multi-award winning, six-figure wellness businesses (online and offline) that have served over seven thousand clients and channelled it into creating bespoke and comprehensive private mentoring packages that not only support you with proven strategies, but also guide you through the exact IMPLEMENTATION of how you can do the same.

Of course, you'll have the tools and techniques to maximise your growth, but more importantly, you'll have an award-winning entrepreneur in your back pocket providing detailed step-by-step roadmaps that leave no stone unturned and makes no assumptions as you execute them.

The end result: An incredibly profitable, long-term ASSET creating real change in the world and fuelling your ongoing entrepreneurial journey.

I absolutely cannot wait to support you to grow a profitable, purpose-driven wellness business.


Here’s how I’ll help you get there:


3 Months


  • 3 x 1.5hr Strategy Sessions
  • 9 x Weekly Support Sessions
  • Bespoke Biz Growth Roadmap
  • Full access to resource library, tech walkthroughs and email swipe files
  • Individually curated social media plan
  • Unlimited WhatsApp support 
Investment: ÂŁ2500


6 Months


  • 4 x 1.5hr Strategy Sessions
  • Biweekly Support Sessions
  • Bespoke Biz Growth Roadmap
  • Full access to resource library, tech walkthroughs and email swipe files
  • Individually curated social media plan
  • Unlimited WhatsApp support 
Investment: ÂŁ4500


Nowadays I'm often referred to as The Wellness Entrepreneur Queen but before the top-ranking podcast, multi-award winning businesses and six-figure revenue streams ... there was an overwhelmed and over-worked holistic therapist trying to please everyone and getting nowhere fast.

I’ve been where you are. I know all too well what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and confused by all the business building advice out there...

...but I also know how it feels to be at the helm of a thriving wellness business that’s serving clients by the thousands.

If you’re an ambitious wellness entrepreneur then you owe it to yourself and your clients to access ONLY the most effective business growth tools that will have you saving time, making more money, amplifying your impact and have you no longer competing for your audiences attention.

Sound good? Then why not hear what some of my clients have to say...